Friday, October 07, 2005

Of people I dun like

Perhaps, if I studied the people I don't like, I might be able to discover the flaws I perceive within myself, and love myself more.
I dun like Dan, for his attitude towards life. His lips are usually upturned, and talks with disgust about trans-fat, calories and whatever shit. More so than the way I would talk about meat. Although, I have gone that route before, and I know he's proud of it, and wants everyone to share the benefits of eating "right", I have discovered that western diet logic isn't always good for you. Remember the times they all said salt was bad, and advocated a salt-free diet? Or the time when they insisted the oral contraceptive was safe, leading to the cases of birth defects and other horrors? Or that cancer is only curable with radio-therapy? The radio killed the people along with the cancer. Although they were all done in good faith, they didn't necesarily have the right understand and respect for the body. Using measures we understand to explain the things we don't understand is silly. "Experts" are only so, by the limited understanding of our ever-evolving knowledge of science. How can we place so much faith in someone else's diagnosis, if our inner logic says otherwise?

I don't like old people who try too look young. Perhaps I'm guilty of that. Luckily, I'm not fat, and I don't bother with getting attention. I don't bother about people not noticing me, but I am bothered when I'm taken advantage of because I'm perceive to be too nice and easy.

I like people who are genuinely nice to me. Sometimes though, I'm not sure. For my heart tells me to be wary of some people, not so much in the sense that they'll harm me, but in that they won't hesitate to take advantage of me. While that statement's not true, what I'm trying to say is their disregard for dignity - their own and the respect for others. Unfortunately, I feel that way about Jon. I know he's nice, just that I also feel that he won't hesitate to take advantage of me for his own advantage. That's why I don't listen much to him, but I still do care for him.

It's cynical of me to say that. These days, I don't have much trust in people anymore. Like the character in TV said, we don't have to desire for anything, just to appreciate what we have now. I suppose in a way, that makes me like Jon, my mirroring of what I feel about him. Everything's temporary. I wonder how I'll feel towards him after we had had sex. How that'll change how we both feel. I kinda like the feeling of him feeling emotionally dependent on me, but still strong enough to stand on his own.

I don't like fat people who carry all the sadness with them. I can see it in their eyes and gait. They don't feel good about themselves, and are always looking for people to make them like themselves. Even then, they'll insist that people don't like them, so that they can be "right" and suffer more. Then they'll have a much better story to tell others.

That's not fair of me. I too am guilty of that. But I'm not fat.

Personally I'm suspicious of sales people and people whose work are related sales. I always have this idea that they're not truthful, from my experience working in Tangs so many years ago wgen I was just 16. The sales promoters lie just to get the sale. I couldn't lie, wouldn't lie. The thought of me doing that makes me feel sick, sick. I have lied before. Lies that are meant to take advantage of others is simply wrong.

When someone lies to me, the person will become 2nd class to me. Though I still remain sincere to them when they're around, and treat them like my close friends, I would find it easier to let them go than others.