Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Tibetan Art of Living

Casually and hurriedly picked up a book at the library last night. The Tibetan Arts of Living by Christopher Hansard. I only saw one quote, which was very "cool", at the library, and thought it might be interesting. But it was so casual that I even offered it to my friend so I didn't have to carry the big book home. When I finally got to read and ponder the book's ideas, I thought it was so good, and am considering buying the book. In it are many ideas, thought for re-thinking our normal reactions to situations in life. Very illuminating, or thought-provoking, were some paragraphs about what dying people, and how they see and sense things. That they are very sensitive to people's feelings, especially the energy of love, calm and sincerity. They need to be comforted, and be released. It's a mistake to tell them to hang on when they wish to go, for it makes their spirit unwilling, and youself unable to accept. Now I understand better...
They're also sections on food energies - how to choose and eat food, for health, for energy... on speech,... many effective one-sentence quotes to set you re-thinking.