Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Life is so Complicated xs. Life is so Simple

The other day, I was having a conversation with a person. He insisted the world was very complicated. But I believed that the world was simply, as complicated as you want it to be, and as simple as you want it to be. All it takes is a change of perspective, to see that beyond the complicated details, the main picture is always simple. Always take a step back, to see the big picture and how you fit into it. We might be seemingly unable to change the course of destiny. but we can readily change our attitude. Would we choose to trek through the forest with fear, or just enjoy the walk?

When faced with a person who insists that the world is a wicked and complicated place, walk away as fast as you can, and keep your children away from him. When talking with a stubborn person who wants to debate, not listen, end the conversation quickly and walk away. It's meaningless.