Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What about saying one thing and doing the other?

Moral issues. Open a chicken den, but also educate people about the dangers of std's, dissuade them from patronising. What sense? The owners of the den are holier than thou whom patronise the den.
We pride ourselves by being cosmopolitan, and disallowing gay parties. In the same breath, we'll also advocate gambling as a mere "game".
Manipulation on tv. It's just another person's story. Portray the people as helpless, their situation as miserable, their lives as constant suffering, add tragic music, narration choking with emotion. Threaten that if they don't help, more people will suffer. That's emotional blackmail.
If blackmail fails, use temptation.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Enough of that Love crap

There's nothing crappy about True Love. It's about eternity, endless and unconditional. What shit about "I was hurt by so and so"; "so and so betrayed me"; "I would be happy if so and so loved me back"; "I'm so hurt because of so and so"; "I don't believe in love because of what so and so did to me". Take a step backwards and see the big picture.