Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm angry

I'm angry with Jn, Mat, Jv. Ths job is worth nly $200? More like $2000. With all the extra work I have to do to make sure things are right, to help you see the potential in the work. Now I have to supply you with inspiration?? And you want me to finalise it? What kind of film has its music finalised before the scenes are shot and assembled? What kind of dress is made without the measurements from the actual person who'll wear it? I'm sick sick sick of being taken advantage of!!!

I've done so much work for the GT, my work hours are probably more than double the standard of what the rest have done. And we get the same pay? While payment's only secondary, you want the show to be "underground"? How does this justify the amount of work I have put in? It's all give give give, and you just take me as a cd-vending machine?

You say you understand, when I tell you why the project's difficult. I'm not asking for understanding. I'm telling you, what you should be doing to make both our jobs easier! I wasn't whining! You need to change your working ritual!

Jv, why am I really working with you? Your ideas and visions are of the world I left behind. It's the world of pain and fear. It's not the truth, and it's not the world I want to project. I'm losing my patience. That time you said you were paying me $200, and feeling justified. I was shocked, it didn't register, and I still said yes. Now it seems like my requests will not be accessed, for I have doubts in your organisational prioratisations. This might well be the last time we work together. I'll not work for such pittance.

Well, another down. Maybe I should really work alone.


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