Thursday, March 24, 2005

Things I'm sick of seeing

I'm sick of seeing people creating an idendity, and sticking to it so strongly, that they actually believe it is who they are. Especially those people who call themselves artists; don't they see that when they insist on being one character, they stop evolving?

I'm frustrated of seeing art that expresses disillusion, loss, fear and negativity, with no sense of direction. Art is now needed to be visionary. To be ordinary, is to be of ordinary thinking, which is to be of old thinking, which really belongs to that of the past century and prior.

Artists, STOP insisting on your limited views of the world. We don't need that anymore. We all know enough of the darkness of humanity, coldness of modern society, estrangement of humanity. What's new? Art is not, if it must stagnate. We must continue evolving and growing!

I''m sick of Gay plays. It used to be necessary, to educate the public. But that is not what's important now. Now, you've become so commercial, it makes people sick. To insist on a problem's existense, is to acknowledge it exists. When it didn't exist earlier, it will be created by the insisted acknowledgement.

I'm sick of people who base their idendities on sex. Their lives, values are based on sex appeal. To be sexually attractive, to get who they desire. To be deemed successful, beautiful.

Everyone knows by now, that true beauty is not skin deep. It is, but for the first moments of meeting people. I belong to the increasing group who see people intuitively. For us, it's not always intuitive, the eyes give them away most of the time. Then their speech, and the company they keep.

Why are people so concerned about something so shallow?? The women at the gym, wearing skimpy clothes make me feel sad. As do the fellows working for that perfect body, believing it to change them on the inside as well. They pick up mannerisms from each other, the lies like cancer, and believing them to be who they ought to be, and are. It makes me sad to see them so lost.

Gay plays. Must they have sex? Must they always have a cast of young, buff and handsome boys, to wear little clothing. Nevermind that they don't act well, sex sells. What are these people doing? They've cheapened us. I'm disgusted by how the theatre companies have capitalised on this. Yes, they have messages, but they are not new, and are not what is needed now.

Most people would think gays are promiscious. Biologically different from women, they don't have to worry about 10 months of incovenience, or a guilty conscience of a murderer. But is that all to it? Queer as Folk says yes. The show implies yes too. I tell you, that show may be sucessful, but it only shows the immatured and jaded gay population. Shows like these do little to help humanity. They stereotype us, like nails to wooden planks. To be fair, they have some truths in there, but the show does more to ingrain the stereotypes, and heighten the fear of the homophobic and ignorant.

In art, "new" is no longer important. Hadly anything can be considered new these days. What's important is their purpose. As said, art transcends language; a great deal can be communicated without a single word.

I hope the art community will realise their purpose soon, and create work to move humanity towards a more enlightened state. To do that, they must begin to see life as it really is.


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