Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Things that irritate me -Bus rides

I hate it when I get onto a crowded bus, especially when there are many schoolgirls from St. Margaret's school in it. These girls are teenagers, who don't know themselves. They can be so rude and obnoxious. They'd talk loudly, and laugh loudly on the bus, make clever and condescending remarks and statements, unconsciously (perhaps) calling for everyone on the bus to acknowledge their existence as clever and witty young adults. This attention-seeking never fails, most people would shoot unapproving stares at these girls. For me, it's increasing irritation. They don't uderstand, and rebel against the values of conservative Eastern society. Even boys hardly make such a din anywhere.

This feminist angst is so prevalent in adolescent schoolgirls, especially those of "elite" schools where they think they are superior. They think they are fighting, and showing the world that women are clever, can be aggresive, and don't care to be the demure stereotype of Asian girls. They show off all these "qualities", proudly proclaiming their existence as self-sufficient, and self-sustaining alpha-female, the role model they yearn to be. Though their intentions noble, these girls have instead proclaimed that they don't know themselves and their society. Yes, it play-acting; they'd probably become more aware of the effects of their actions when they grow up. But there are always new schoolgirls, going through the same angstful journey, making the same silly din everywhere. Did you ever notice they get quieter when their gang gets smaller? There's no shortage of supply. I'm hoping that humanity matures and attains wisdom faster, so rebellion would be scarce and reserved for 2 year olds. We'll all have a more peaceful and beautiful world. Maybe after the Spiritual Winter? Sooner, please...

The other irritation about crowded busses, is the women with bags. They don't seem to be aware of what their bags are poking (usually my butt). They'd often have their handbags flinging here and there, banging on anyone close by. Plastic shopping bags are worse, they are sometime sharp at the corners, and can scratch like a durain. Would you please ask the women you know, who take busses to be more careful, and aware of their little bags? When the bus is crowded, there is no place to hide, or move away from the source of irritation. Shoot a stare at them, and they don't even know what for. I sometimes jerk their bags with my hips in frustration, sometimes, I'd use my own bag (which is usually in front of me, so it touches nobody else) and butt-jerk it to them, hoping they'd suddenly be enlightened in their awareness.

But, I notice, most people aren't even aware when their butts are being foldled and carressed by a handbag behind them. Does that make me too sensitive? I don't think so, that makes them less aware.

Yet, I know. Everything I observe, is a part of me. If I hate something, then I hate that part of myself. That makes complaining so difficult. When someone becomes aware of your poverty, you become poor in his eyes.


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